How to install Windows XP on Backtrack 5 R3

Backtrack is an operating system that is often used for penetration test. Sometimes the system which we will test using different operating systems, so we need a tool to be able to run the operating system.
At this discussion, we will try to install Windows XP into the Backtrack 5 R3. Tool that we will use to install the operating system is a virtual box.

The steps are as follows:
1 - Download virtual box for ubuntu in
2 - Install virtual box with the following command:
root @ bt: ~ # dpkg-i virtualbox-4.2_4.2.6-82870 ~ Ubuntu ~ lucid_i386.deb
3 - Run virtual box via Application-> System Tools -> Oracle VM Virtual Box

3- Click the "New" button
4- Use the Wizard to create a virtual partition for Windows XP. Windows XP is the default OS selected, so all you have to do is name it. (Windows XP, for example, is a good name).

5- Choose the amount of RAM to be allocated to this OS (when it's in use). Don't allocate too much because there will be less RAM for your host system to run, which will crash your entire system.

6- Create a new hard disk since you probably don't have one already. Click Next to Continue. You will be taken through the Create New Virtual Disk wizard, which will allow you to choose hard disk size, dynamically expanding/fixed size, etc.

7- Mount the ISO image by clicking on the Settings button. Click the Storage section on the left hand side of the window. Click on the Empty CD medium in the Storage Tree.

8-Open the Virtual Media Manager, depicted with an icon like a folder with an up arrow, next to CD/DVD Device under "Attributes".

9- Add the disk image file by clicking Add, then choosing the location of the Windows XP ISO image. Select it with "Select", then press OK in the Settings Window. Launch the VirtualBox by pressing "Start".

10- Install Windows. You should have the Windows installer running now.

11- To be connected to backtrack, right-click the computer icon -> network adapters
12- In adapter1, select the host only adapter on the attached to

13 - Set the IP Address in Windows. make sure it is an IP network with Backtrack on interface vbnet0